Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Where Has the Time Gone?
Monday, June 23, 2008
What's up
Saturday was spent repairing the damage inside the house that occured while I was outside all day Friday. It pretty much looked like a tornado hit it. We had a bunch of other little projects that needed to be done around the house as well, so Saturday was a busy work day.
Ah, then the Lord's Day. What a relief to just relax and focus on worship. We just ordered some new books from Reformation Heritage that were delivered on Saturday, so Sunday afternoon was spent reading and napping before returning to church for evening worship. It doesn't get much better than that!
Now the weekend is over and it's time to get "back to business". I'm still waiting to hear from "the publisher" about an offer to do their lapbooks, but in the meantime I've started writing the next "habits training" lapbook. This one is going to be on obedience. Hopefully it will go together quickly so I can get it done before I've got to continue with the history books. Whew, the fun never ends!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
You can find the lapbook here. I hope that it will be a blessing and I would love to hear how you have used it in your family.
Happy lapbooking!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
It's Finished!
Also, if you feel so moved, please be in prayer for Andrew and me as we are expecting an offer from "the publisher" to do the American History lapbook. This is all new to us and we really have no idea what to expect. I don't know if they will have a deadline in mind or how much control they will have over content, etc. We're just praying for wisdom and discernment, that we will clearly hear God's voice in the matter and that Andrew and I will be of one accord in our decision.
It has certainly been an exciting couple of months and I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes next.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekend Warriors
Finished installing edgers in front flower bed
Weeded under trees in front yard
Edged front lawn
Mowed lawn
Swept walkway
Stained back deck
I have to admit that I found myself mentally cursing the Georgia heat on more than one occasion. It was well over 80 degrees at 9:00 in the morning. However, I then reminded myself that it could be worse. I could be in Oregon where I would be inside huddled under a blanket trying to stay warm and dry. (Sorry guys). I'll take sweat running down my back any day!
It was hard, sweaty work but it was worth it all to be able to sit out on our porch, sipping our drinks and enjoying the fruit of our labor!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Humbled Again
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My First Librivox Recording
Recording is so much fun! If you like to read, you should consider volunteering to read a chapter or twenty. If you aren't comfortable having your voice broadcast all over the world, you can volunteer to be a proof listener. Each chapter has to be proof-listened before it can be posted as complete.
Go check out today!
Monday, June 2, 2008
School...To Go
- Write on/wipe off math cards (1 addition, 1 multiplication, purchased at WalMart)
- Kleen-slate Kwik-check paddle
- Ziplock bag with baby wipes
- Homemade game in a tin (explanation to follow in future post)
- Game cards in a 3x5 card binder
- CD's downloaded from (Some of our favorites: Wildlife in Woods & Fields, Burgess Bird Book, Just David, Our Island Story, Awakening of Europe, This Country of Ours)
- Workbooks (Explode the Code, math, etc.)
- Rush Hour Jr.
We've already had opportunities to use our new bag and it has been a hit with me and the boys. Not to mention the positive response we have received from the places we have visited, whose employees have commented on how nice it is to see children who will sit quietly and work or play a game together.
I carried the same concept over to our nature study days. We have been terribly inconsistent lately and I realized that it is simply due to lack of organization on my part. So I found an old backpack and filled it with everything we would need for an impromptu nature study. I was also inspired by Karen Andreola's chapter on picnics in A Charlotte Mason Companion, so I prepared a picnic basket that would be ready to go when we are. All it needs is some food and drink! Here's our list of items in our backpack:
- Our field journals (see here for downloads and instructions to make your own)
- Pocket field guides
- Binoculars
- Pencils (colored & regular) and sharpener
- Plastic tweezers (for picking up bugs and other creepies)
- Collection jar
- Bug spray
- Sunblock
- Band-aids & antiseptic wipes
- Baby wipes for cleaning dirty hands
Our picnic basket contains:
- Paper plates
- Fabric napkins
- Plastic utensils
- Plastic tumblers
- Blanket (or table cloth)
I usually put the plastic utensils in a napkin, roll it up and tie with a ribbon. After the picnic, I bring them home, wash them and retie them for the next outing. We tested out our new "system" last Friday with smashing success! I just put together a few turkey sandwiches, a quick Italian pasta salad and cut up pieces of banana snack cake that I had made the day before. Water and tea was poured into mason jars and we were ready to roll.
I feel such a sense of satisfaction and peace knowing that two of our biggest school challenges have been dealt with. I hope that these ideas can be a blessing to someone and afford that same sense of peace. I would love to hear how others have implemented this type of system and what you might put in your bag!