The boys and I have been dowloading and enjoying books from for a while now. It is a wonderful project and I highly recommend that you check it out. Their goal is to record every book that is in the public domain and offer them as free mp3 downloads. Their catalog is extensive and we have found many books to keep us entertained. I have wanted to help them record and today I uploaded my first reading. I have signed up to read two chapters in The Fairy Ring by Kate Douglas Wiggin. I just finished Chapter One-East O'the Sun and West O'the Moon last night and uploaded it this morning. If you want to listen, click here. As soon as the MC gets it, he'll put a "Listen" link in the Magic Window (halfway down the screen).
Recording is so much fun! If you like to read, you should consider volunteering to read a chapter or twenty. If you aren't comfortable having your voice broadcast all over the world, you can volunteer to be a proof listener. Each chapter has to be proof-listened before it can be posted as complete.
Go check out today!
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