Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm Back!

Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since I've posted. I seem to have lost the last several months. Actually, they weren't really lost so much as spent in a haze. To be honest, I spent several months trying to avoid admitting that I was depressed. I have dealt with it before so, deep down, I knew what was going on; but I had been fine for almost six years and I just didn't want to admit that I needed medication again. So after making my family crazy for several weeks, I finally went to the doctor and have been taking anti-depressants for the last couple months. Whew, now we can get back to normal!

Things are going quite well. We're just finishing up our study of the Middle Ages. Putting the lapbook together is our final project and we should have pictures of it up here soon. I have really enjoyed studying this time period. As usual, I've learned so much more than I ever did in school. The boys have enjoyed it too, of course. What boy could resist studying knights and castles, battles and crusades? We'll be moving into the Renaissance and Reformation which is another exciting time in history. I'm looking forward to studying all of the beautiful works of art that go along with this period.

I'll be posting about some of our recent nature studies very soon, so check back with us!

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